Posts in Health
Skincare for Fathers

Whether preparing for a busy day or just finishing it, a father might not have the time to complete a lengthy skincare routine. While it is important to use sunscreen before any outdoor summer activities, a healthy (and simple) skincare routine for men includes a cleanser, eye cream, and moisturizer. These few steps can help maintain the strength and youth of Dad’s skin.

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How Nutrition Affects Your Skin Health

It’s almost Farmers Market season in cities and towns across America. With the return of local farmers and vendors comes the opportunity to freshen up your diet. We all know that eating your daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables can keep you healthy inside and out, but a balanced diet supports good skin health, too! Getting the right mix of vitamins and antioxidants can protect your skin from harmful UV rays, reduce signs of aging, and keep your skin hydrated.

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A Healthier Alternative to UVA Tanning

There isn’t much we won’t try to get gorgeous, tanned skin. A nice tan is just the thing for your summer outfits.

Sometimes that beautiful, tanned look, however, can mean your skin is hurting...and it will let you know in painful ways later. Invest in healthy methods of adding a glow to your skin. It will love you for it.

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All You Need to Know About Skin Tags

None of us appreciate rough spots or bumps on our skin. Not only are they cosmetically frustrating and sometimes embarrassing, it can be hard to tell if they are dangerous. Always talk to your dermatologist if you develop a new skin growth.

One common condition is skin tags. A pretty simple growth that many experience, here are some facts that will help you understand your skin tags.

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What to Know About Scar Removal

If your scar is painful, hampers movement, or causes emotional distress, it may be time to consider removing it. Every scar on your skin is unique. A crazy diving accident may have left you with an awesome scar story, but it also changed your skin in a very different way than a stove burn does. It is important to involve a dermatologist in your efforts to remove any scars.

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New Year, New Face: Wiping Away Those Dark Circles

We know your dark circles bother you. They bother us too. We want your skin to make you feel healthy, happy, and young. With these suggestions and a little effort, we know you can find that face from your childhood. Here’s to finally beating under-eye circles.

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Folliculitis: When You Shouldn’t Ignore Those Red Bumps

If you’ve noticed strange red bumps or pimple-like spots on your skin, don’t ignore them! Odd rashes, itching, and widespread “acne” can be the first indications that you have folliculitis. This is a common skin condition and one that your dermatologist can help you fight successfully. If caught early, there are no permanent side-effects, so always check with your dermatologist about any strange skin conditions.

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How to Manage Hormonal Acne During Menopause

No matter your age, acne is frustrating and embarrassing. The breakouts, the rashes, the irritation...Menopause is difficult enough without adding acne breakouts to the list. So we have made our own list of some helpful management tips to make your life a little easier.

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Autoimmune Diseases and Your Skin

Our skin is part of the body’s innate immune system. It acts as a barrier between us and the vast majority of microorganisms that we encounter. This is why healthy skin is so important. Autoimmune diseases, however, can wreak havoc on our skin, breaking down this barrier and resulting in frustrating, painful rashes.

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Fall Skin Tips: Maskne and Other Skin Conditions

Maskne has been a common struggle for many this summer. Trapped between our skin and masks, humidity, oil, and dirt create the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. But will the cool, dry temperatures of fall eradicate this pandemic-related skin concern? Or are we in for a whole new list of problems?

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Common Dermatology Theories Debunked

Our skin is always exposed and thus susceptible to numerous infections and diseases. Dermatology is on the frontline of an ever-changing battle for health and dermatologists are extensively trained so that they can offer the best care to their patients. Let’s take a look at some of the commonly misunderstood aspects of dermatology, dermatologists, and your skin.

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New River Dermatology Wins Best of Southwest Virginia 2020!

Our team is excited to announce that New River Dermatology won first place in Southwest Virginia’s dermatology practices. Virginia Living magazine announced the winners of their annual survey and we are so honored to our patient family for supporting us in this way! It is such a privilege to join other dedicated health practices in serving our communities in Virginia.

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What Your Skin Says About COVID

Amid the growing evidence that COVID-19 can affect almost every organ, including skin, the conversation about skin symptoms continues. Are certain rashes/conditions an early sign of COVID? Or just another result of the virus? The conversation on this topic is confusing and new scientific research continues to pour in.

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Anti-Aging: The Hows, Whys, and Routines

As humans, aging is part of life. Over the centuries, we have accepted this fact. However, your skin does not need to look like your mothers’. A steadily growing skincare market offers thousands of products and our board-certified dermatologists are trained with the latest scientific findings on skin. Following a few simple steps will start you on your journey towards younger skin now.

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Why We Need To Sweat

We all enjoy the hot summer months and being fit and healthy; however, no one likes to sweat. It’s uncomfortable and embarrassing, but surprisingly, our bodies need us to sweat.

The environment we call home is alien to our body. Toxins are in the air, food, cosmetics, even in our water. If those toxins build up inside us, our bodies become overwhelmed and start shutting down. Sweating allows our skin to get rid of toxins that make us sick and look healthier in the long run.

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