Posts in Acne
Folliculitis: When You Shouldn’t Ignore Those Red Bumps

If you’ve noticed strange red bumps or pimple-like spots on your skin, don’t ignore them! Odd rashes, itching, and widespread “acne” can be the first indications that you have folliculitis. This is a common skin condition and one that your dermatologist can help you fight successfully. If caught early, there are no permanent side-effects, so always check with your dermatologist about any strange skin conditions.

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How to Manage Hormonal Acne During Menopause

No matter your age, acne is frustrating and embarrassing. The breakouts, the rashes, the irritation...Menopause is difficult enough without adding acne breakouts to the list. So we have made our own list of some helpful management tips to make your life a little easier.

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