Stay Safe in the Summer Sun

Summer has arrived, and with it the temptation to work on your “base tan” before long days by the pool or a trip to the beach. People flock to tanning salons to prepare for fun in the sun or to maintain their bronze glow all year round. However, tanning bed use comes with huge risks, including cancer and a weakened immune system.

It’s also a misconception that only tanning beds are dangerous. In fact, any level of exposure to UV rays, whether from a tanning light or the natural sunshine, poses a threat. That’s why it’s important to avoid tanning as much as possible, and to take steps to protect yourself when you enjoy time in the sun. 

Tanning and Cancer 

There is a known link between exposure to UV radiation and developing cancer. In fact, just one indoor tanning session can increase the risk of developing skin cancer by as much as 67%. The evidence that tanning salons cause cancer is so strong, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires warning labels on tanning equipment. 

Your skin’s response to UV light is what classifies it as carcinogenic. Your skin cells interpret the UV radiation as a “threat,” and respond by thickening and producing more melanin to protect you from it. However, these changes to your skin can eventually lead to cancer.Exposure to UV radiation also changes the DNA within your skin cells. These DNA abnormalities and mutations can develop into cancer, too. 

Both tanning beds and the sun’s rays produce the same UV radiation, so they’re both a risk factor for cancer. To mitigate your exposure, you should wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or above whenever you’re outside.

Risks Beyond Cancer 

Skin changes prompted by tanning can cause problems beyond cancer. Tanning has also been linked to other consequences, including: 

  • Premature aging

  • Eye damage 

  • Immune suppression

  • Allergic reactions

Radiation damages cells, and that damage manifests in a variety of ways. It may mean your skin loses elasticity and wrinkles more easily. It could compromise your immune system and make you more susceptible to disease and illness. Or it could leave you with an itchy, red rash; the exact opposite of the gorgeous, glowing skin you were seeking. 

Alternatives to Tanning

While the sun can be dangerous, spending time outside has also been shown to benefit your health. We all need our daily dose of vitamin D, and our body can produce vitamin D itself with some help from the sun.If you want to be extra careful to avoid UV radiation, you can get enough vitamin D by maintaining a healthy diet or taking a supplement. However, you can also soak up the sun with the proper protection.

It’s possible to achieve a summer glow without tanning. New River Aesthetics now offers Norvell spray tanning.  While many tanning lotions or sprays contain harmful chemicals and most are not sensitive-skin friendly, the Norvell line carries tanning products that are organic and one hundred percent vegan. Mixed with aloe and vitamins E and C,  these products also hydrate and pamper your skin.

Contact us today to learn more about tanning packages and to make an appointment!