The Lowdown on Lasers

Although body hair is completely natural, some find it burdensome, and fantasize about never having to remove it again. Similarly, those with acne may also find it burdensome and fantasize about having clearer skin. Did you know that laser-based skin treatments can help solve one or both of these problems? 

What Can Lasers Do?

You may be familiar with lasers as a potential hair removal tool. Lasers detect pigments in your hair follicles and then target them to eliminate hair growth. Intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments are similar to lasers. The approach uses highly targeted pulsed-light to destroy the structures that grow new hair.

At New River Dermatology, we also offer procedures that can help treat acne! Concentrated pulses of intense light can kill acne-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation around existing pimples. Lasers can help mitigate scarring from past acne outbreaks by promoting skin rejuvenation.

Some people even refer to IPL treatment as a “photofacial,” because it has been shown to help resolve a wide variety of skin issues. IPL may be able to lessen or eliminate: 

  • Stretch marks

  • Liver or age spots

  • Broken blood vessels

  • Freckles 

  • Rosacea 

How Does Treatment Work?

Laser treatments for hair removal work by targeting hair in its growth stage. The laser beam targets hair follicles and energy from the beam heats the hair down to the root. This process kills the hair without damaging the surrounding skin.

At New River Dermatology, we use intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments to address both unwanted hair and acne. Our advanced Contact Cooling Technology helps to minimize your discomfort during the procedure. 

IPL is typically applied in areas people regularly find unwanted hair or troublesome acne, such as the face, back, underarms, bikini line or legs.

For both laser and IPL-based treatments, you’ll likely need to return for multiple sessions to achieve the best results.  

What Should I Expect?

Treatments take as little as 15 minutes and you should expect no downtime afterward! Clients are able to resume normal activities, such as wearing makeup, immediately. You may see some redness on the treated area, which should resolve after a few hours. 

If your goal is to reduce acne breakouts, we can work with you to create a treatment schedule that meets your unique skin care needs. In one study, patients on a routine treatment schedule demonstrated 50% fewer spots at the end of the 4-week treatment period, with a 72% reduction twelve weeks after their last treatment.

What Are My Other Options?

If you’re not ready to try a laser treatment, there are many other options for improving the appearance of your skin. These include facials, chemical peels and microdermabrasion procedures, all of which we proudly offer. 

We know life is hectic. Through our New River Aesthetics practice, we’re proud to offer procedures with little to no pain or downtime, administered by qualified and experienced professionals. Whatever your skincare and aesthetic goals, we are here to help. Reach out today to learn more about the treatments we offer and schedule an appointment.