Relax Those Pesky Wrinkles!

before and after Botox

Are you frustrated by frown lines or crows feet at the edge of your eyes? Do these wrinkles make you look older than you feel? You are not alone! Women and men across our planet share your frustrations and are turning to a simple and safe treatment for relief: Botox.

What is Botox© Botulinum toxin therapy has been used by dermatologists for over two decades to diminish the signs of aging and also treat a medical condition called hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). Approved by the FDA, this therapy is used to treat frown lines between the eyebrows, crows feet, and skin in the underarms that over-sweats. Most insurance companies will cover some of the cost for treating hyperhidrosis, but therapy for signs of aging is not covered. Botox© Cosmetic is one of the most common brand names for botulinum toxin along with Dysport©, MYOBLOC©, and XEOMIN©.

Treatment Process When you arrive for a Botox© treatment, your dermatologist will inject a miniscule amount of purified botulinum toxin into targeted muscles on your face and neck. This temporarily relaxes the muscles, causing wrinkles to diminish. There is little to no downtime after the procedure and makeup can be applied pretty soon afterwards.

Though many people think this therapy is permanent, it only lasts about 3-4 months. Botox© treatments for excessive sweating lasts up to 6 months, but in both cases, patients are encouraged to schedule follow-up treatments as soon as their symptoms begin to return. In the meantime, patients should avoid rubbing or massaging the injected areas. This can cause the botulinum toxin to spread to other muscles and relax them as well, which results in undesired droopiness.

Procedure Safety The most important thing to remember about this procedure is to always schedule treatment with a medical professional. The brands available online that can be purchased without a medical license can be unsafe and most will cause serious health complications, such as Bell's-Palsy. Avoid receiving any Botox© treatments at non-medical spas, salons, parties, or anyone’s house.

Patients will maintain their natural facial expressions after their procedures and should not lose the ability to feel. Possible side effects tend to be mild and temporary, with most resulting from the actual injection rather than the substance that is injected. Side effects that may occur:

  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Soreness
  • Bruising
  • Mild headache (uncommon)
  • Weakness in neighboring muscles that may result in droopy brows and eyelids (rare)
  • Botulism, with symptoms like problems breathing, swallowing, and speaking (very rare) In general, patients experience a little bruising that goes away within the week.

To protect your health and receive the results you expect, see a dermatologist for all of your Botox© needs. Though the injections look simple, they require an in-depth understanding of how the body works. Always share your medical history and ask in-depth questions during your consultation with the dermatologist. They will be able to assist you in finding the best cosmetic care for your body. Remember, relief from those stubborn frown lines is possible. Schedule a consultation with a dermatologist today.