Top 5 Reasons to Never Neglect Your Skin’s Health

Your skin is your protection and in today’s world, taking care of it is more important than ever. There’s an increasing number of lifestyle factors that can harm your skin including a lack of sleep, processed foods, alcohol, cigarettes, stress, lack of exercise, high sugar, unprotected sun exposure, and so much more. 

While some of these factors are unavoidable, it is still important to be aware of your skin’s health and the different factors that can affect it. Let’s take a look at the top 5 reasons why you should never neglect your skin’s health. 

1. Skin Cancer Comes Quickly and Without Warning 

Considering skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, affecting 1 in 5 people, it’s imperative to stay on top of this. Typically, excess sun exposure is the leading cause of skin cancer, but this type can be highly treatable if it’s caught early on. The sun damages your skin cells with UV radiation, which damages your DNA, and causes rapid growth of cancer cells.

Without the proper protection, getting sunburned even just once in two years can triple your risk of skin cancer and it doesn’t even have to be blistering or peeling. Sometimes using something as simple as sunscreen can be a life-saving adjustment.

2. When Caught Early, Skin Cancer is Easily Treatable

As previously mentioned, skin cancer is easily treatable, but only if it’s caught early. So, scheduling regular check-ups with your dermatologist is highly recommended as it could be the saving grace that keeps your skin healthy. 

Oftentimes, dermatologists can treat skin cancer by removing the cancer cells and a bit of normal-looking skin along with it, but if you’re neglecting these growths on your skin and allowing it time to actually grow, the treatment becomes more difficult and invasive. 

3. Skin Conditions Can Worsen Without Proper Care

It’s no secret that a lot of us suffer from various different skin conditions such as psoriasis, rosacea, eczema, and more. An important part of living with these conditions is staying on top of the upkeep and finding a trusted dermatologist, like an expert at New River Dermatology, to guide you through the maintenance you might need. 

Most of the time, the symptoms from a lot of these conditions can be uncomfortable, itchy, or tender, but with a professional's help, you’ll find relief as well as be able to prevent frequent flare-ups from happening. 

4. You May Be Experiencing Unnecessary Discomfort

One of the biggest reasons you shouldn’t neglect your skin’s health is that you could be suffering from unnecessary discomfort. Checking in with a dermatologist could be a life-changing moment for your overall health. We can help in improving overall skin ailments, as well as shorten the length of time it takes to treat certain conditions. 

You may be experiencing anything from acute rashes and acne, to flare-ups and dried skin. We’ll work together to find the best treatment plan for you depending on the symptoms you’re experiencing. 

5. Healthy Skin Leads to a More Confident You 

At the top of all our lists should be to live our lives as our most confident selves. Dealing with various skin conditions, rashes, and acne breakouts can have a huge impact on our mental health and the way we’re feeling about ourselves.

If you are in need of a dermatologist, we encourage you to contact our office to schedule a skin consultation! Taking care of your skin shouldn’t be scary or stressful, let us help you love the skin you're in! 

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