Preventing Rosacea Flare Ups

If you’re one of the millions of people who battle rosacea regularly, you’re no stranger to the struggles of red, itchy and irritated skin. Living with rosacea can be overwhelming; however, there are a few preventative measures you can take that will make side effects more manageable and prevent unwanted flare ups!  

Understanding What Triggers Rosacea 

Affecting nearly 14 million Americans daily, rosacea is one of the leading skin conditions individuals suffer from – especially those between the ages of 30 to 50 years old. In most cases, this chronic skin condition begins as patches of redness in the middle of your face and can spread to other areas of the body including the chin, forehead, ears, back or chest. 

For most people, each trigger is different. We all live different lives and make certain lifestyle choices– but we’ve figured out some common catalysts to keep in mind if you’re struggling with rosacea flare-ups regularly. 

  • Dairy products 

  • Spicy foods 

  • Sunlight, heat and exercise 

  • Hairspray and other hair care products 

  • Stress, anxiety and different kinds of makeup 

  • Red wine and various forms of alcohol 

  • Wind and cold temperatures 

With that in mind, it might be difficult to pinpoint the direct cause of your flare-ups, but understanding potential triggers could be the defining factor in understanding your condition and preventing frequent outbreaks. 

You can start by creating a system that allows you to track any lifestyle changes, dietary shifts or environment differences that go on in your life. By paying closer attention to the products you use, what you consume and how the environment impacts your skin, you’ll be able to better identify what triggers your rosacea and prevent frequent outbreaks in the future. 

The Importance of Understanding Rosacea Triggers 

Understanding what triggers your rosacea will help make this condition much more manageable. Being able to stay in control of your skin means living a more confident lifestyle, without having to worry about flare-ups ruining special moments such as weddings, birthdays or family celebrations.

At New River Dermatology, we want to be sure you’re living your happiest, healthiest life! It’s never too late to figure out where your flare-ups are coming from and we’re here to help you. To learn more about managing rosacea, schedule an appointment with our dedicated team today! 

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