How Often Should I Change My Skincare Routine?

Everyone’s skincare patterns look a little different: Some people use the same moisturizer for 25 years and rarely budget from the rest of their routine; others like to change it up and swap or add in the latest product they’ve seen on BeautyTok. But what if after a while you seem to notice that the glow that your face mask once gave you seems to be a little less bright? Or that your cleanser doesn’t seem to be keeping acne down quite like it used to? Consistency is key when it comes to skincare routines (“routine” is working hard in that phrase!) — but is it time to switch up your skincare routine? 

According to experts, switching things up every season or so is good — because while genetics play a huge role in your skin’s appearance, so does your environment (including factors like humidity and temperature). That means that the rich cream you used all winter might make your skin a little smothered in the summer — try switching to a gel-based or hyaluronic acid product instead.

Three things to always have, though, no matter the season? Vitamin C, retinol, and SPF. 

Be sure to give the new products time to work, and keep in mind that irritation, dryness, itchiness, and redness might occur a time or two before your skin gets used to it. Start slow with a product if you know you have sensitive skin and increase use, or be prepared to reduce usage to one or a couple times per week if your skin starts talking back — simply give your skin time to get used to it. 

Experts say it takes four to six weeks or so — even up to eight — for the effects of skincare to really be visible, but don’t persist if the irritation continues or you feel like it’s not right for you. (P.S. Swelling, burning, intense redness, and hives are signs of not-mild reactions — put down the product and call us if it happens.) 

Ready to get started thinking about your seasonal skin care transition? If you’d like to chat with us about what your skincare routine should look like, give us a call at (540) 953-2210 to schedule a consultation. 

Joba Studio