4 Ways to Prepare Your Skin for Spring

Our skin changes like the seasons! While winter weather can leave our skin feeling dry, flaky and rough, you may begin to experience a change in how your skin looks and feels as we transition from winter to spring. Warmer weather ushers in more oil and sweat buildup, leaving your skin at greater risk for breakouts,so it’s important to understand the different ways you can start prepping your skin for spring! 

Exfoliate Your Skin… Again, and Again! 

While some skincare products can flip flop seasonally, one product you can use all year round is an exfoliator. Utilizing a gentle scrub two to three times a week can help to remove dead skin cells and uncover a new layer of skin that’ll give you a rejuvenated, healthy look! 

Keep Your Skin Properly Hydrated 

After exfoliation, hydration is the next step. No matter what season it is, using a moisturizer is key! Unlike exfoliating, having to switch up your moisturizer is pretty common. Winter may call for a more heavy-duty moisturizer, while you can get away with something more lightweight in the spring and summer. Above all else, the ingredients you choose are key! When selecting a moisturizer, be sure to choose one that has good ingredients and meets the needs of your particular skin type.


Anticipate an Increase in Breakouts 

Warmer weather opens the door for more sweat and oil buildup left on your skin. If you’re acne prone, a change in climate could mean more frequent breakouts. By planning for this spring transition ahead of time, you have the opportunity to test out new products, or work with a dermatologist who can help manage these breakouts before they pop up. 

If and when these breakouts arise, keeping a top notch skincare routine will help immensely in battling acne in the first place. Keeping face wipes in your car to use after workouts or physical activities is a great tool in keeping a fresh face! 

The Most Important Step… SPF! 

Sunscreen is the holy grail when it comes to taking care of your skin! Sunscreen is a skincare staple and should be used all year round. Even though UVB rays aren’t as strong in the winter, you should be incorporating a minimum of 15 SPF into your daily skincare routine. As we get closer to spring and summer, kicking it up to a 30+ SPF is highly recommended. 

The harmful rays of the sun can speed up the aging process, making wrinkles more prominent on dehydrated skin. Sun exposure also causes depigmentation and uneven skin tones – which can be completely avoided with proper skincare! 

If you have any questions regarding the best products for your specific skin type, drop by our office to view our selection of products or give the office a call to schedule a consultation! 

Joba Studio