What to know about IPL
If you’re looking for more permanent options for hair removal (one less thing to worry about this holiday season!) IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light treatments, is a common and effective treatment.
Here’s everything you need to know about IPL.
How does it work?
IPL lasers in on a hair when it’s growing, then heats the hair all the way down to the root to kill it without affecting the skin.
Is it the same as laser treatment?
Not exactly: Lasers use one wavelength at a time, IPL uses a lot of wavelengths. This means that it’s less focused than a laser which ultimately causes less damage to the skin.
Where can I get IPL done?
IPL can be done on your lips and chin, underarms, chest, back, legs, arms, or bikini line.
How many times does it take to get rid of the hair?
It will almost definitely take more than one appointment, but the total amount of treatments depends on how much hair you’re having removed and where.
The good thing is that the appointments are quick: They take about 15 minutes for small areas and up to 30 minutes for larger ones.
Does it hurt?
While you’ll probably feel a little something, most people don’t find it incredibly painful—some compare it to a light snap from a rubber band. We also use advanced Contact Cooling Technology to minimize any discomfort you do feel during the procedure.
What’s recovery like?
There’s virtually no recovery time: You might be a little red but you should be able to head out and about right away. If you got a treatment around visible areas like your face and neck, you’re fine to wear a little concealer on it right away.
Do I need to come in for touch-ups?
Very likely! How many depends on what you’re getting done and where. Sometimes it’ll take around six treatments for hair removal, but we’ll come up with a personalized treatment for you.
What does it cost?
It depends on what you want done and where—which we can help determine with a quick chat. Call us today to book a time to come in and talk it all over.
What else should I know about IPL?
IPL doesn’t just remove hair: It can help lessen or eliminate acne, rosacea, and broken blood vessels too. In the case of acne, the light actually kills the bacteria that kills the acne; for acne scarring, the lasers help promote skin rejuvenation to lessen their appearance.
Call us today to book a consultation at (540) 953-2210, or stop by one of our locations in Blacksburg, Whytheville, or Radford to schedule an appointment.