Sustainability and Your Lips: 2020 Clean Beauty Trends

Woman lips

2020 is the perfect time to refresh your skincare routine. But which products on the market are worth your time, money, and skin this year? Below, we discuss two trends that will change your skin in 2020.

Sustainability for You and the Earth

Over the last decade, consumers have increasingly prioritized their health and the health of the planet. This interest in ‘clean beauty products’ will only increase in 2020. With greater awareness of [our skin’s absorption][1], many health-conscious users are searching for products free of the ‘dirty dozen’. These include parabens, aluminum, synthetic fragrances, and sulfates, ingredients that can cause eczema and cancer, among other conditions.

One of the new trends that is set to take off in the green market is refillable products. Many of the consumers that opt for healthier alternatives want them to be cruelty-free and packaged in green materials. In fact, the less-packaging, the better! This is an incredible, cost-effective way to cut down on waste and one that will see a lot of stage-time in 2020.

Lip Products for Your Decade

Lip balms are a must-have throughout the year, including those with SPF for extra protection. But with so many options, many of us just stick to the same old thing month after month. 2020 is the year to think outside the box regarding ingredients and what your lips really need. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • While you sleep, your body is busy making repairs. You have a nighttime skin routine, so why not add in a little overnight balm for your lips? Wake up with every part of your face refreshed and hydrated.

  • On a budget? Some of the most affordable and healthy balms still offer excellent hydration.

Lipstick is one of the worst beauty products on the market if you don’t go all-natural. With all those toxic chemicals and heavy levels of pigmentation, many are searching for alternatives. For those who don’t want to ditch lipstick in 2020, several companies are creating clean versions of our favorite beauty product! Like every other health and beauty product you use, read the ingredient lists. A safe bet will always be those with short lists and ingredients you recognize. An alternative to lipstick, this FDA-approved filler will plump your lips while soothing and softening vertical lines.
Our skin needs a little revitalization and 2020 is the year to say goodbye once and for all to nasty ingredients, bulky and wasteful packaging, and dry skin and lips. Those who stay in the know about the latest skincare research and trends and who maintain that youthful, healthy skin usually see their dermatologists several times a year and always have an annual skin exam. Schedule yours today!

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