Skin Mythology: Busting the Most Common Skin Myths

If you’re reading this, having healthy skin is probably (and hopefully) important to you. We care about your skin too and want to help you achieve your healthiest skin possible. So today, we are the mythbusters of skin care! Here are five myths that could be stopping you from achieving your best skin.

Eating chocolate or oily foods is bad for your skin

Good news! Acne is caused by an oily substance called sebum that is secreted by your skin - not by junk food. There is no substantial evidence that any specific food causes acne. However, eating foods with lots of refined sugars and fats can increase your insulin level, which can contribute to acne because insulin activates hormones. There’s no need to cut your favorite candy out of your diet completely, but keep it to a minimum to help with clear skin!

The higher the SPF on your sunscreen, the better

Above a certain sun protection factor (SPF), all sunscreen pretty much works the same. Try to buy sunscreen no lower than SPF 30, but there’s no need to buy higher than that if you’re just going out in the sun for a few hours. If you’re planning on being in the sun for an extended amount of time, like 6 or 7 hours, a higher SPF may be worth getting for extra protection. SPF 30 blocks out 97 percent of UVB radiation, while SPF 50 blocks out 98 percent. Another thing to note - makeup with SPF in the formula does not mean you are protected from the sun. If you would like to wear makeup on a sunny day, using foundation with SPF is a good idea, but make sure you still wear sunscreen. Try our Juvenil Sheer Physical Sunscreen to start.

Hot showers are good for your skin

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Although a steamy, hot shower may sound perfect after a long day, hot water can strip your skin of essential oils and dry it out. Not ready to give up your hot showers? Try decreasing the water temperature a little bit each day until you get used to lukewarm water. You can also opt for shorter shower time to minimize the amount of dryness hot water can cause. Bonus tip: Apply moisturizer while your skin is still damp to lock in the most amount of hydration.

There’s only one right way to do skin care

Everyone’s skin is different and reacts differently to certain products. To keep your face clear and hydrated, find out what skin type you have and buy products tailored to that type. Don’t know what skin type you are? Check out our skin type blog here.

You don’t need to use anti-aging products until you’re in your 30s

This is always a big debate: When to start worrying about wrinkles. The answer? Probably as early as 21. However, the types of anti-aging products you should use depend - like all skin care - on your skin type. If you have dry skin, aim for intensive lipid-rich oils. Normal, combination, and acne-prone skin types should stay away from oils and aim for anti-aging serums or creams. Once you hit your 30s, then using anti-aging products with more active ingredients, like retinoids, is a good idea. The best way to prevent aging is by using sunscreen - even on cloudy days. Don’t know where to start? If you’re in your 20s, start with our Juvenil Ultra Lite Facial Cream. If you’re in your 30s or above, pair our Juvenil Enriched All-Trans Retinol Eye Repair with our Juvenil Retinol Body Lotion.

Want more skin care recommendations? We’re just a call away. Set up an appointment with us today, and we’ll help you get your skin reach its full potential.

Joba Studio